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“We want to plant a flag with Flyover, not only to show off the great creativity of people in Columbus, but also to bring creatives from the region together in a spirit of camaraderie. It’s perhaps more important now than ever,” says Festival Organizer Justin McIntosh.

Flyover is an inclusive and fresh 3-day festival in the North Campus, South Clintonville, and South Side neighborhoods. Through multiple arts in walkable, distinctive venues, our goal is to engage the city, stimulate creativity, and spark conversation.

Like festival founders Two Dollar Radio, our featured guests are too loud to ignore. These are internationally acclaimed artists, often from the Midwest, who demand attention through their ideas, art, and hustle. You can find their work in literature, music, film, podcasts, and more.

Planning for the festival was coordinated by former Columbus Alive Editor Justin McIntosh, Outer Orbit Booking, Two Dollar Radio, Molly Delaney, arts advocate and musician Philip Kim, librarian Christina Dorr, and author Elissa Washuta. Film programming at the Wexner Center for the Arts was done in cooperation with David Filipi and Chris Stults.

Who We Are

Two Dollar Radio is an internationally acclaimed book publisher and film producer based in Columbus, Ohio. Their work has been honored by the National Book Foundation, Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalists, and Notable Books of the year at the New York Times Book Review, as well as placed on best-of-the-year lists at O, The Oprah Magazine, NPR, Slate, Salon, BuzzFeed, the Washington Post, and others.

Outer Orbit Booking is an independent music booking company based in Columbus. Founded on the DIY spirit, Outer Orbit works to expose important music to a wider audience.


Bookfair: If you're interested in participating/tabling at the book & record fair on Saturday, May 9, from 11am - 5pm, contact Two Dollar Radio through this form. There is a $25 cost to participate, but since space is limited we unfortunately are unable to grant space to every group or press.

Music: If your band is interested in performing at The Flyover Fest, contact Outer Orbit Booking.

Partnerships: If you’re interested in partnering with Flyover, contact Two Dollar Radio through this form.