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Flyover unveils line-up and new partnerships for 2019 return.

eric obenauf

Two Dollar Radio and Outer Orbit Booking are excited to announce an initial line-up for the return of Flyover, whose aim is to engage the community, stimulate creativity, and spark conversation.

In 2019, the multimedia event will feature an additional 4th day of programming, and include partnerships with the National Book Foundation—to bring National Book Award-recognized authors to Columbus—and Platform Beer Company, to brew and distribute a Flyover-inspired beer throughout central Ohio.

“We’re always trying to grow upon what we accomplished the year previous,” says Two Dollar Radio’s Brett Gregory, “and are invigorated by the enormous talent participating in 2019.”

Last year’s festival attracted over three-thousand visitors over the course of three days.

“The experience we hope to foster with Flyover is one of discovery,” says Outer Orbit Booking’s Tom Konitzer. “Ideally attendees come to an event familiar with an act, and leave a fan of a new poet, filmmaker, or band.”

Acts include: (With a full list available on

  • National Book Award-finalist, Danez Smith, who was included in the New York Times’ Magazine’s “Black Male Writers of Our Time,” and the only writer featured on Forbes’ “30 Under 30” list;

  • The Boston rapper, Michael Christmas, who Pitchfork says “stands out in an era of icy trap beats and rowdy Soundcloud rappers”;

  • Barrie, described by The Fader as “your new favorite dream-pop band from all over the world” ;

  • Free Cake for Every Creature, whose album ‘The Bluest Star,’ was named one of the top-50 of 2018 by Rolling Stone;

  • Erika L. Sanchez, a poet and novelist, whose novel I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter was a finalist for a National Book Award in 2018.

Venues include Ace of Cups, Bossy Grrls Pin-Up Joint, Spacebar, Two Dollar Radio Headquarters, and the Wexner Center for the Arts.

Planning for the festival was coordinated by former Columbus Alive Editor-in-Chief Justin McIntosh, Outer Orbit Booking, Two Dollar Radio, and New York Times-bestselling writer, Hanif Abdurraqib.

A limited number of All-Access Passes are available now through March 15, or until they sell out, here.